MCGREGOR AT THE CENTER OF THE SCANDAL: Accused of rape at the NBA Finals match

MMA fighter Conor McGregor was accused of raping a woman in the toilet during the NBA Finals between the Denver Nuggets and the Miami Heat played in Miami.

McGregor attacked the woman in the toilet of the VIP section and forced her to perform sexual acts. He violently pushed against the wall, and the unfortunate woman reported him to the police, who refused to investigate.

She returned with a lawyer and brought the clothes as evidence, and a photo of the same clothes quickly found its way into the media.

Miami police began investigating the case, and the Miami Heat announced the same measures.

The famous MMA fighter denied all the accusations.

This is not the first scandal directed by McGregor at the NBA Finals game. The first was the same night when he sent the club’s mascot to the emergency center after a knockout.

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