Siġġiewi Rowing Club runners up in Palio Marinaro di Santa Fermina

A spirited team of Siġġiewi Rowing Club rowers had the pleasure of rowing alongside their Italian counterparts at the prestigious 2024 edition of the Palio Marinaro di Santa Fermina in Civitavecchia.

The Maltese team was formed by Ivan Cassar, Twanny Viacava, Byron Falzon and Gerald Micallef, with Christian Frendo taking the coxswain’s responsibility.  Angelique Theuma acted as reserve coxswain. These races are usually raced on a 500m sprint with the boats making a turn with their respective buoy after the first 250m.

Siggiewi Rowing Club

This was the second consecutive year that the club was competing in the prestigious Palio Marinaro di Santa Fermina. This year the organisers were celebrating the 38th edition which was once again possible thanks to the collaboration with the Associazione Culturale e Sportiva Mare Nostrum 2000.

This year, Siġġiewi Rowing Club was racing against boats equipped with rowers representing the cities of Civitavecchia, Fiumicino, Gaeta, as well as the marines from the Lazio, Campania, and Tuscan coast.

The Siġġiewi Rowing Club participation in this international rowing event was made possible thanks to the financial assistance of SportMalta.

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