Tony Borg and Jonathan Bilocca make it to the Premier League of Darts main round

Tony Borg and Jonathan Bilocca qualified for the Premier League of Darts main round as they eased past their respective opponents.

Borg obtained identical 3-0 scores against Dennis Fenech, Charles Attard, Alfred Muscat and Brian Abela to make it to the final ten.

On the other hand, Bilocca won 3-1 against George Ebejer, 3-0 against Kevin Aquilina, 3-1 against Glenn Cardona and 3-0 against Pete Satariano. 

Bilocca and Borg join  Godfrey Abela, Anthony Borg, Albert Scerri, Norbert Attard,  Kirsten Aquilina and  Enrico Scerri who have qualified from the previous tournaments.

One more tournament will be played next week to determine the final two places of this tournament. 

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