After the news that Novak Djokovic’s visa was revoked, the former tennis legend Martina Navratilova immediately announced that she would be the smartest if Novak returned home alone.
Navratilova thinks that it would be the smartest thing for the Serbian ace to just say: “You know what?” There were too many mistakes, it’s not right, I will be the only unvaccinated player here… Because everyone who hasn’t been vaccinated has been returned home, so the real thing would be for Nole to leave,” Martina began.
However, Nole is still firmly on his feet.
- “I call it slapping, it’s just such a combination of mistakes from everyone’s side. The bottom line is that sometimes your personal belief must be overpowered by what is good for the greater good of all. For those around you, your peers. ” – adds Navratilova.
She admitted to Martin that at the beginning she was also a big opponent of the vaccine:
- “I also didn’t want to get the vaccine because I was worried about what it could do to my body… everyone else is doing it because it’s the right thing to do and because the state requires it, honestly.”